The emergence of self-help content on social media: An interview with psychologist Maike Preissing

Earlier this year, in March of 2024, #YouthMediaLife hosted its second international conference, where I had the opportunity to present my research on “The Language of Short-Form Self-Help on Social Media”. In my talk, I discussed the use of hashtags on Instagram posts about neurodiversity and mental health. My investigation focused on hashtags such as #neurodiverse, #selfdiagnosis, #neurodivergent, #neurodivergence, #selfdiagnosed, and #neurodiversity. At the time of conducting my research, I found that the hashtags #neurodiversity and #neurodivergent were, by […]

#YML24 Conference Impressions

We have summarized our personal impression of the interdisciplinary conference #YouthMediaLife 2024: Interdisciplinary Perspectives into Digital Practices, held from March 25, 2024 to March 28, 2024, at the University of Vienna. Susanne Reichl Lisza-Sophie Neumeier Georg Wendt It’s a peculiar feeling to bemoan a four-day event that, in its lead-up, drew much attention, demanded It’s a peculiar feeling to bemoan a four-day event that, in its lead-up, drew much attention, demanded lots of effort, and necessitated great care from […]

From Head to Toe: A Deep Dive into the Linguistic Repertoires of two Austrian Members of Generation Alpha

In the setting of a cozy living room in Vienna, two young minds, Lena (10) and Stella (8), equipped with colored pencils, embarked on a creative journey that would unveil the anatomy of their linguistic repertoires (quite literally). As they filled in silhouettes of themselves on a DIN-A3 sheet of paper with vibrant colors, little did I expect how extensively their drawings would serve as windows into their worlds where language intersects with personal experiences, emotions, family dynamics and aspirations for the future.

Ein Pilot:innenprojekt: Create your „own“ Avatar

Fragestellungen zu Covid-Zeiten: Nicht erst seit geraumer Zeit ist die Grenze zwischen dem, was öffentlich oder Öffentlichkeit meint im Unterschied zu dem was privat oder Privatheit bedeutet, verschwommen. 1 Dazu mögen verschiedenste Sphären des Digitalen und die Unumgänglichkeit der Digitalisierung, oder Mediatisierung ihren Beitrag geleistet haben. Diese provisorische, weil praktisch nur mehr sprachlich haltbare Grenzziehung und das Faktum des gegenwärtig andauernden Zustandes einer Pandemie führten uns vor die Dringlichkeit die Frage nach dem Körper zu stellen. Eine Frage zu […]

Scoping Empowerment and Identity as users of Digital Technologies

The use and consumption of Digital Technologies (DT) and Digital Media (DM) has considerably increased in the last quarter of the century. It comes as no surprise that for the younger generations DM and DT have become an intrinsic part of their ways to socialize, learn, work and partake in society. From my personal experience, I recall having my first mobile phone (a flip phone, what a time!) at the age of 13 because I started middle school, which […]