#YML24 Conference Impressions

We have summarized our personal impression of the interdisciplinary conference #YouthMediaLife 2024: Interdisciplinary Perspectives into Digital Practices, held from March 25, 2024 to March 28, 2024, at the University of Vienna. Susanne Reichl Lisza-Sophie Neumeier Georg Wendt It’s a peculiar feeling to bemoan a four-day event that, in its lead-up, drew much attention, demanded It’s a peculiar feeling to bemoan a four-day event that, in its lead-up, drew much attention, demanded lots of effort, and necessitated great care from […]

#YML21 Conference Impressions

Wir haben unsere persönlichen Eindrücke der interdisziplinären Konferenz #YouthMediaLife 2021, die vom 29.03.21 bis 01.04.21 auf einer digitalen Eventplattform abgehalten wurde, zusammengefasst. Lisza-Sophie Neumeier #YML21 Conference Report Ariane Manutscheri Amadea Brenner These days are all about challenges. And about making things work. Twelve hours after #YouthMediaLife 2021 became a material space in an immaterial world, frizzy clanks of ink being swept onto paper hover above a sheet of crinkled paper. My declared plan: telling a story that is not […]

Smartphones “In-Between” or: What Do Smartphones Have in Common With Doors?

This contribution was originally published by Suzana Jovicic on the Digital Ethnography Initiative (DEI), which was co-founded by Philipp Budka, Suzana Jovicic and Monika Palmberger, three researchers working at the University of Vienna’s Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. It is Friday night in a youth centre on the outskirts of Vienna; the lights are dim, and loud local Rap music is blaring in the background. A girl sits alone on the old sofa, seemingly oblivious to the noise […]

#YML-Interview mit Fares Kayali

Um mehr vom distance learning profitieren zu können, empfiehlt Fares Kayali Studierenden in digitalen Settings aktiv zu partizipieren. Im #YML-Interview spricht der Professor für Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich mit Lisza-Sophie Neumeier unter anderem über die interdisziplinäre Sichtweise auf das Thema mediatisierte Lebenswelten Jugendlicher, digitale Kompetenzen von Schüler*innen und Studierenden, Game-based learning sowie über die Lehre zur Zeit von Covid-19. Fares Kayali ist Professor für Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich am Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung der Universität Wien. Davor arbeitete er als Assistenzprofessor in […]