The emergence of self-help content on social media: An interview with psychologist Maike Preissing

Earlier this year, in March of 2024, #YouthMediaLife hosted its second international conference, where I had the opportunity to present my research on “The Language of Short-Form Self-Help on Social Media”. In my talk, I discussed the use of hashtags on Instagram posts about neurodiversity and mental health. My investigation focused on hashtags such as #neurodiverse, #selfdiagnosis, #neurodivergent, #neurodivergence, #selfdiagnosed, and #neurodiversity. At the time of conducting my research, I found that the hashtags #neurodiversity and #neurodivergent were, by […]

#YML24 Conference Impressions

We have summarized our personal impression of the interdisciplinary conference #YouthMediaLife 2024: Interdisciplinary Perspectives into Digital Practices, held from March 25, 2024 to March 28, 2024, at the University of Vienna. Susanne Reichl Lisza-Sophie Neumeier Georg Wendt It’s a peculiar feeling to bemoan a four-day event that, in its lead-up, drew much attention, demanded It’s a peculiar feeling to bemoan a four-day event that, in its lead-up, drew much attention, demanded lots of effort, and necessitated great care from […]

(EME)MUSIC to a Researcher’s Ears: Identifying a new Research Gap

Beethoven (German), Brahms (German), Liszt (Hungarian) – many of the composers that we associate with Vienna are not, in fact, originally from the “city of music”, or even from Austria. In fact, people have been coming to Vienna to learn and to play music for centuries; it can be argued that musical education in Austria (particularly in Vienna and Salzburg) has a long-standing tradition of internationalisation that goes much further back than the recent strategic trends in higher education […]

#YML21 Conference Impressions

Wir haben unsere persönlichen Eindrücke der interdisziplinären Konferenz #YouthMediaLife 2021, die vom 29.03.21 bis 01.04.21 auf einer digitalen Eventplattform abgehalten wurde, zusammengefasst. Lisza-Sophie Neumeier #YML21 Conference Report Ariane Manutscheri Amadea Brenner These days are all about challenges. And about making things work. Twelve hours after #YouthMediaLife 2021 became a material space in an immaterial world, frizzy clanks of ink being swept onto paper hover above a sheet of crinkled paper. My declared plan: telling a story that is not […]

#YML-Interview mit Fares Kayali

Um mehr vom distance learning profitieren zu können, empfiehlt Fares Kayali Studierenden in digitalen Settings aktiv zu partizipieren. Im #YML-Interview spricht der Professor für Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich mit Lisza-Sophie Neumeier unter anderem über die interdisziplinäre Sichtweise auf das Thema mediatisierte Lebenswelten Jugendlicher, digitale Kompetenzen von Schüler*innen und Studierenden, Game-based learning sowie über die Lehre zur Zeit von Covid-19. Fares Kayali ist Professor für Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich am Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung der Universität Wien. Davor arbeitete er als Assistenzprofessor in […]